Marin Barisic

Marin Barisic studies the molecular mechanisms behind chromosomal and cytoskeletal dynamics, with a special focus on the roles of motor proteins and tubulin PTMs.

Marin Barisic is affiliated with Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine and is head of the Cell Division and Cytoskeleton group at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center


Our research is highly based on investigation of

  • mechanisms of chromosome congression and segregation during mitosis
  • regulation of microtubule dynamics
  • the impact of tubulin PTMs on the activity of cytoskeletal motor proteins and their roles in chromosomal and cellular movements



  • Steblyanko Y, Rajendraprasad G, Osswald M, Eibes S, Jacome A, Geley S, Pereira AJ, Maiato H, Barisic M: Microtubule poleward flux in human cells is driven by the coordinated action of four kinesins. EMBO J 2020;e105432
  • Liao S, Rajendraprasad G, Wang N, Eibes S, Gao J, Yu H, Wu G, Tu X, Huang H, Barisic M, Xu C: Molecular basis of vasohibins-mediated detyrosination and its impact on spindle function and mitosis. Cell Res 2019;29(7):533-547
  • Barisic M, Silva e Sousa R, Tripathy SK, Magiera MM, Zaytsev AV, Pereira AL, Janke C, Grishchuk EL, Maiato H: Microtubule detyrosination guides chromosomes during mitosis. Science 2015;348(6236):799-803
  • Barisic M, Aguiar P, Geley S, Maiato H: Kinetochore motors drive congression of peripheral polar chromosomes by overcoming random arm-ejection forces. Nat Cell Biol 2014;16(12):1249-1256
  • Barisic M, Sohm B, Mikolcevic P, Wandke C, Rauch V, Ringer T, Hess M, Bonn G, Geley S: Spindly/CCDC99 is required for efficient chromosome congression and mitotic checkpoint regulation. Mol Biol Cell 2010;21(12):1968-1981



foto af marinMarin Barisic

Associate professor in Cell Division at ICMM, 
Head of Cell Division and Cytoskeleton, Danish Cancer Society Research Center (DCRC) 
Location: DCRC, Strandboulevarden 49, 2100 Copenhagen

Phone: +45 35 25 74 05
CV, Publications, etc. 

homepage at KB

PhD Students enrolled at Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine:

Eva Pais 

PhD student
"Exploring the Role of Microtubule Inner Proteins in Chromosome Segregation"
Principal supervisor: associate professor Marin Barisic

Karthikshrinivasan Ramesh

PhD student
"Functional and molecular analysis of microtubule detyrosination in cancer cell invasion”
Kræftens Bekæmpelse, Cell Division and Cytoskeleton,  
Principal supervisor: associate professor Marin Barisic

Letuzia Incampo

PhD student
"Unveiling the tumor suppressor role of Alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (ADH5/GSNOR) role in breast cancer”
Kræftens Bekæmpelse, Cell Division and Cytoskeleton
Principal supervisor: associate professor Marin Barisic