Jørgen Tranum-Jensen
The research focus of Jørgen Tranum-Jensen is within Clinical anatomy.
- Local anaesthesia
- ACL reconstruction
- Hand anatomy
- Michael Krogsgaard
- Niels Søe
- Anders Rothe
- Lena Carstensen
Rathcke M, Tranum-Jensen J, Krogsgaard MR. Possibilities for arthroscopic treatment of the ageing sternoclavicular joint. World J Orthop. 2017 Jul 18;8(7):536-544
- Tavlo M, Eljaja S, Jensen JT, Siersma VD, Krogsgaard MR. The role of the anterolateral ligament in ACL insufficient and reconstructed knees on rotatory stability: A biomechanical study on human cadavers. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2016 Aug;26(8):960-6.
Andersen HL, Andersen SL, Tranum-Jensen J. The spread of injectate during saphenous nerve block at the adductor canal: a cadaver study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2015 Feb;59(2):238-45
Andersen HL, Andersen SL, Tranum-Jensen J. Injection inside the paraneural sheath of the sciatic nerve: direct comparison among ultrasound imaging, macroscopic anatomy, and histologic analysis. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2012 Jul-Aug;37(4):410-4
Jørgen Tranum-Jensen
professor emeritus
former Professor in Anatomy
(+45) 35 32 72 21
room: 22.3.22
CV, publications, etc.
Papers listed in PubMed